Sunday, April 13, 2008

Learning Management System: The Wrong Place to Start Learning

Learning Management Systems (LMS) are often seen as the starting point of any e-learning program, it provides a means to sequence content and create a manageable structure for instructors or administration staff.

There are some weaknesses of LMS
1. Using a structured tool like an LMS dictates the nature of interation.
2. The interface confuses many learners, such as how the interface works and where to get the information she/he needs.
3. LMS vendors started extending tools and offerings beyond simple content sequencing and discussion forums recently.
4. Large, centralized, mono-culture tools limit options.

There are some principles of LMS
1. A tool that is modularized in nature and allows for expansion of functinality based on the learners/instructors needs.
2. Simple, social tools that start with a learner's ability for self-expression.
3. Open starndards and a high level of connectivity are important.
4. A tool that fosters a learning garden is one that places a user at the center and allows him/her to explore in various areas and directions of personal interest.
5. An integration of blogs, wikis, content management systems, simple social tools, networking tools, collaborative spaces and the use of emerging "connection-making" protocols.

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