Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Practical Considerations for Multimedia Courseware Development: An EFL IVD Experience

When I read this paper, there are a few lines which I agree totally.

IVD can provided an authentic and adaptive learning environment by incorporating video into a personal computer and displaying a vivid scenario, which is far more enchanting than text, graphics, or animation generated on a computer montior....Solid instructional design, like good lesson plans, leads to successful courseware as well as to gains in learning.

When PowerPoint was first used into the classroom, students were facinated by the animation and pictures put in the PowerPoint. Now, as most teachers is using this software in the lessons and morning assembly, the students in my school are fed up with it and seems that teachers has to look for something more interesting. I do agree that IVD provideds an authentic learning environment to the classroom if we find appropriate video which suits our student's need. Also, our students like to watch TV, sometimes it is a good suggestion to switch from just talking to playing a video in a double lesson.

I had an experience in implementing IVD in my classroom. I played a Mr. Bean in a Library video to my students when I was teaching the module of A Visit to the Library. The video acted as a motivation and students liked it so much that they always ask me to play more videos.


Christoph said...

Hi Fiona,

Thanks for sharing your experience with us - I think it raises an interesting issue. Often students appear to be excited and motivated by the use of new technology in class, for example, the use of multimedia. The question that arises for me is: is this excitement related to the learning opportunities of the new media, or is it simply a reaction to a novel lesson (or both)? Any thoughts?


it-fiona said...

I think the excitement is related to both the new media and a novel lesson, coz for the Mr. Bean topic, I played the video and we did some discussion and group work. I found that students were also excited about the tasks they had to do even after they watched the video.

Dora said...

I think there is one more reason for students' excitement. That is because Mr Bean is really funny!